The Foundation Licence course is a great way to get started in amateur radio in a friendly & stress-free atmosphere.
Ham College regularly runs two day Foundation Licence courses over one weekend (see current dates). The first day, Saturday runs from 9.00am to 5.00pm and then 9:30am to 5pm on the Sunday. The course covers both the theory and practical sections of the exam and even gets you ‘on-air’ as part of the training! The exam is usually held the following weekend, giving you time during the week to brush up on any areas you think you might need to.
The venue is the Walliston Scout Hall, [see map].
The course is popular and there is usually a waiting list for students, so please register your interest early. The cost for the course is $50.00. This does NOT include assessment or licence fees.
Contact Ham College to register your interest for the Foundation Licence Course.
Foundation Licence Manual
Foundation Licence manuals are available from the WIA website and posted to anywhere in Australia.

For anyone unable to attend our course, this manual has all the information required for the written foundation assessment.
There are also on-line tutorials for both the theory and practical sections provided at the ‘Foundation on-line’ page and by the Radio and Electronics School, see Resources below.
Further Foundation Licence Resources