Licence Grades

As of Feb 2024, amateur radio licensing in Australia has moved to a class licence. Under the class licence, amateur operators are still required to hold qualifications.

There are currently three grades of amateur qualification available in Australia. These are:

  • Foundation;
  • Standard; &
  • Advanced

It is not necessary to hold any grade of qualification before being assessed for another grade.

The Class Licence has information about permitted bands, modes and transmission power for different grades of qualification.

Power is limited to ten (10) watts maximum regardless of emission mode used.

The frequency bands:
3.5 to 3.7 MHz
7.0 to 7.1 MHz
21.0 to 21.45 MHz
Can be used for all modes, although if the bandwidth exceeds 8kHz then restrictions apply. See the Licence Conditions Determination for details.

7.1 to 7.3MHz
Can be used for any mode with a bandwidth of less than 8kHz.

28.0 to 29.7MHz
May be used for any emission mode but if the bandwidth exceeds 16kHz then restrictions apply. See the Licence Conditions Determination for details

144.0 to 148.0MHz & 430.0 to 450.0MHz
May be used for any emission mode.
NOTE: Some of these bands have local restrictions.

A standard licensee is permitted a power output of 30 Watts mean power or 100 watts Peak Envelope Power when using SSB voice.

Frequency bands
3.5 to 3.7 MHz;
7.0 to 7.1 MHz;
14.0 to 14.35 MHz; and
21.0 to 21.45 MHz
May be used with any emission although if the bandwidth exceeds 8kHz there are restrictions.

7.1 to 7.3MHz
May be used for any emission with a bandwidth of less than 8kHz.

28.0MHz to 29.7MHz
May be used for any emission mode although if the bandwidth exceeds 16kHz restrictions apply.

52.0 to 54.0MHz;
144.0 to 148.0MHz;
430.0 to 450.0MHz;
1240.0 to 1300.0MHz;
2400.0 to 2450.0MHz; and
5.650 to 5850.0GHz
May be used for any emission mode.

NOTE: Some of these bands may have local restrictions.

An Advanced Licensee may use 120 Watts mean power or 400 Watts Peak Envelope Power when using SSB voice or analogue television.

Frequency bands :
135.7 to 137.8 kHz
Can be used for any emission with a bandwidth of less than 2.1kHz.
NOTE: This band has a power restriction of 1 Watt EIRP.

1.8 to 1.875MHz;
3.5 to 3.7MHz;
7.0 to 7.1MHz;
14.0 to 14.350MHz;
18.068 to 18.168MHz;
21.0 to 21.450MHz; and
24.890 to 24.990MHz
May be used with any emission although if the bandwidth exceeds 8kHz restrictions apply.

3.776 to 3.8MHz;
7.1 to 7.3MHz; and
10.1 to 10.150MHz
Can be used for any emission mode where the bandwidth does not exceed 8kHz

28.0 to 29.7MHz
May be used for any emission mode although if the bandwidth exceeds 16kHz restrictions apply.

50.0 to 52.0MHz
May be used for any emission mode with a bandwidth not exceeding 100kHz.

52.0 to 54.0MHz
144.0 to 148.0MHz;
430.0 to 450.0MHz;
1240.0 to 1300.0MHz;
2300.0 to 2302.0MHz;
2400.0 to 2450.0MHz;
3.30 to 3.60GHz;
5.65 to 5.85GHz;
10.0 to 10.5GHz;
24.00 to 24.25GHz;
47.0 to 47.2GHz
76.0 to 81.0GHz;
122.25 to 123.00GHz;
134.0 to 141.0GHz; and
241.0 to 250.0GHz
Can be used for any emission

NOTE: Some of these bands have local/additional restrictions.